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  • 01-14-2025 - 04-08-2025
    Japanese Language Class Adult Level 2

    Ages:     16 ~ Adults

    Dates:    Tuesday evenings, Jan 14th ~ Apr 8nd, 2025, (12 classes; no class Spring Break week)

    Time:      6:00 ~ 7:00 pm

    Location:  Classes will be offered via Zoom, as this facilitates those who would otherwise have to travel to a school location, go on business trips, have after school activities, get stuck in traffic, have to be at home, etc.  The instructor will send out the Zoom link about 10 minutes before class.

    Registration:  Choose your learning level on Square for payment Members, Non-Members

    (Registration will close 2 weeks after the start of classes. Admittance after that will require the permission of the instructor.)

       Please Note:  When you register, please ensure your email address is current, as the instructor will use that address to send you the Zoom link.

    Class Content:  This class is a continuation of the Level I class offered this past Fall.  In this course, which is informative and very interactive, we will briefly review pronunciation and hiragana and introduce a small number of kanji.  Building on the basic sentences, questions, and vocabulary from the Level I class, we will continue to develop sentence/question structures, verb conjugation, counting, and start some informal patterns. In the Genki text (see below), we will start with Lesson 3. Note: The text uses hiragana at this point vs romaji.

    Of course, cultural aspects of the Japanese will also be included to facilitate learning the language.

    Class:  Student minimum is 3 for the class to make; the maximum number is 15.

    Textbook:   Genki I, Third Edition, ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5; available from Amazon, BN.com, etc.

    Please be sure you purchase the textbook;  other materials, such as the workbook, writing books, etc., are not required for class and are optional for your personal use.

    Instructor:  Roger Pratt.  Mr. Pratt graduated from Sophia University (上智大学国際部) in Tokyo, has a Master’s in East Asian Studies from FSU, lived in Japan for 19 years, and has previously taught Japanese for JASSA and at UTSA.

    Please send an email to education@jas-sa.org and/or the instructor (mozuku@hotmail.com) if you have any questions.  Thank you

  • 01-14-2025 - 04-08-2025
    Japanese Language Class Adult Level 4

    Ages:     16 ~ Adults

    Dates:    Tuesday evenings, Jan 14 ~ Apr 8, 2025

                   (12 classes; no class Spring Break week)

    Time:      7:15 ~ 8:15 pm

    Location:  Classes will be offered via Zoom, as this facilitates those who would otherwise have to travel to a school location, go on business trips, have after school activities, get stuck in traffic, have to be at home, etc.  The instructor will send out the Zoom link about 10 minutes before class.

    Registration:  Choose your learning level on Square for payment Members, Non-Members

    (Registration will close 2 weeks after the start of classes. Admittance after that will require the permission of the instructor.)

       Please Note:  When you register, please ensure your email address is current, as the instructor will use that address to send you the Zoom link.


    Class Content: This course is a continuation of the Level III class offered in Fall 2024.  We will start by doing the Dialogue to finish Les. 6 and then start Les 7.  Students should feel comfortable with Hiragana and a few basic kanji.  We will do a quick review of the Katakana writing system and add a moderate number of kanji.  Additionally, we’ll continue to advance basic sentence and question structures that lead to holding conversations. Of course, cultural aspects of the Japanese will also be introduced to facilitate learning the language.


    Class:  Class minimum is 3  for the class to make and maximum is 15 participants.

    Textbook:   Genki I, Third Edition, ISBN 978-4-7890-1730-5; available from Amazon, BN.com, etc.  Note: Please be sure you have or purchase the textbook;   other materials, such as the workbook, writing books, etc., are not required for class and are optional for your personal use.


    Instructor:  Roger Pratt.  Mr. Pratt graduated from Sophia University (上智大学国際部) in Tokyo, has a Master’s in East Asian Studies from FSU, lived in Japan for 19 years, and has previously taught Japanese for JASSA and at UTSA.


    Please send an email to education@jas-sa.org and/or the instructor (mozuku@hotmail.com) if you have any questions.

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